86th Annual Conference (2023)

March 27, 2022
Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention - Vince Hafeli, Ajax Paving Industries of FL
Binder Specification and Round Robin - Jason Wielinski, Asphalt Institute and Kelly Morse, IL DOT
Environmental Product Declarations - Audrey Copeland, National Asphalt Pavement Association
Equipment Innovations, David King, Caterpillar
IDOT HMA Technical Updates, Brian Pfeifer, IL DOT
March 28, 2022
Modern Workforce and Recruitment, Robert Schultz, Schultz Investment Company
National Asphalt Pavement Association Update, Audrey Copeland, NAPA
FHWA Update, David Snyder, FHWA
Tollway Update, Mohamad, IL Toll Highway Authority
IDOT Update, Omer Osman, IL DOT